Sunday, May 23, 2010

One way to get Dad's to read the old Disney Princess storys

Disney Princess Gallery

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... and then Little Red Riding Hood said to Alice ...
"My, what a big pussy you have! Is it grinning ...
... or are you just pleased to see me?"
Edited by SJ_Edwards_2.0 at 05/19/10 11:24 PM

I'm offended! That cat doesn't look like any real cat I've ever seen. How dare someone express their fantasies! Someone should form a committee! We'll get everyone to conform in the other direction!

Or maybe, I just need to get laid. Reply

SJ_Edwards_2.0 approved this comment

It's too bad that "comic book characters," when applied to women, is now apparently synonymous with oversexed, unrealistic fetish object. :( Reply

Damn it, I think I fanatsized about something like that Ariel art back when the movie originally came out... Reply

Must resist ... sexist ... comment.
Must not ... appear ... mysognistic.

Aah, the suxualisation of children's characters, what a said, pathetic indightment of society. A nice devaluation of feminism and a good bit of objecitification thrown in for good measure too.

And for those of a lower IQ:

Nice rack. Reply

cylon_conspiracy promoted this comment

I've never really seen classic fairy tale figures as sex objects, I dunno it just seems out of place. not that I don't mind the style, just the source is rule34ish and I am not that desperate Reply
Edited by natanku at 05/18/10 7:25 PM

Since when is Maleficent a "Disney Princess"? Reply
Meredith Woerner promoted this comment

I wonder if any of the people claiming this 'isn't comic book art' have ever read a modern superhero comic in their life? Sadly, this is VERY true to the typical depiction of get of females in superhero comic books. Reply
Meredith Woerner promoted this comment
natanku approved this comment

appologies if this goes through twice i dont know why it didnt post. if you want to see the girls as HEROS go here, this guy has got it, NOT just sluttified princesses. but defenders and warriors
Meredith Woerner approved this comment

These pictures should not offend anyone, that was not their purpose. The artist obviously loves women and to show it he took all of those things he likes so much about women and accentuated them. These pictures are just fantasy and I think everyone here is an adult and realizes that they are fantsy. No intelligent person expects every woman (let alone any woman) to look like these, they're just fantasy. I dont think anyone would want to read a fantasy novel without any adjectives, these are just pictures with really great adjectives. So women should not look at these and be offended. A woman should look at these and think," hey I'm a woman, I'm pretty hot."
Hooray women.
Meredith Woerner approved this comment

3 is the Wicked Queen, not Snow White. She's a villainess. Also, she looks more like Malificent than her origin.

The proportions are pretty ghastly on these women as well. With that kind of waist, they'd snap in half, especially on Sleeping Beauty and Ariel. And anyway, didn't Fables already do this whole schtick with fairytales comic book crossover? Reply

Meredith Woerner approved this comment

Haha when Gen13 meets Disney- I like it. Reply

These are not comic-book versions of heroines. They're pinups. It's like taking the Halloween costume versions of these characters and calling them the actual characters. Reply
lodown promoted this comment

Is any part of this really shocking, artistic, or new? How is making a live-action Cinderella any different from almost ANY rom-com of the past 20 years? I don't get it.


I think if I ever see another "grown up" Alice in Wonderland it will be waaaaaaay too soon. Reply

collex promoted this comment

Campbell's art is alright, but nothing special. There are so many other artists they could've went with who draw females a helluva lot better!

Jim Lee
Frank Cho
Terry Dodson Reply

amygdala promoted this comment

How is this a celebrations of Cinderella being re-invited? This just looks like some Soft core Disney. Reply

Well, that was disturbing. I don't think I can even identify which one was the worst. For the record (lol), this is not "comic book heroine" art. it may have been drawn by a comic artist, it may reduce perfectly workable outfits to lingerie or less, it may oversexualize previously non-sexualized characters (Alice? Was the panty shot really necessary?), but in none of these drawings are the characters portrayed as having any superpowers or special crime-fighting abilities. This is pin-up stuff. Reply
AlexKap promoted this comment

Well, that was disturbing. I don't think I can even identify which one was the worst. For the record (lol), this is not "comic book heroine" art. it may have been drawn by a comic artist, it may reduce perfectly workable outfits to lingerie or less, it may oversexualize previously non-sexualized characters (Alice? Was the panty shot really necessary?), but in none of these drawings are the characters portrayed as having any superpowers or special crime-fighting abilities. This is pin-up stuff. Reply
mkirkland promoted this comment
lodown approved this comment

and for the record, can we PLEASE leave the gender studies ideology at the door? Reply
Edited by jonconnington at 05/18/10 1:46 PM

I knew a few women who wore costumes like these at Halloween parties over the years...needless to say, the end result looks batter on paper... Reply

Look, to all the people saying "well, that's just comic book style, get over it", no, it's not. I regularly read comics, and while occasionally they might veer into this territory, even the worst offenders of oversexualized superheroines aren't usually as bad as this. In these, it's obvious that the main objective is "what sort of slutty costume can we conceive to put a Disney Princess in?" But in comics, even the skimpiest-dressed of heroines (Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Power Girl, etc.) are usually drawn to show their strength/power, not their sexy bodies. (or at least not just their sexy bodies)

When I see the front cover of Wonder Woman (or Birds of Prey, or Power Girl, or any other book with a female hero on the front cover), I usually don't go "look, metal swimsuit skimpiness!" right off the bat, I go "look, a strong and powerful heroine!" first. These pictures don't convey that at all. These Disney Princesses are not superheroes so they can save the world, they're superheroes to wear sexy costumes, and that's why this is inappropriate. Reply

Edited by swenson at 05/18/10 12:13 PM

The artist should probably take less cues from Greg Land/Michael Turner/Terry Dodson for what a superheroine looks like and catch up on Nicola Scott. Reply

This looks more like Zenescope than Disney Reply
AlexKap promoted this comment

Bitchin'. The Black Queen looks particularly awesome. Reply

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