Thursday, May 27, 2010

Justin Bieber erased from the internet! |

Justin Bieber

New kid blocked out ... Justin Bieber gets 'Shaved' from the web. Photograph: Mark C Austin/Rex

As America continues to swoon and stagger with Justin Bieber Fever, a web developer is trying to stem the epidemic. A new application called Shaved Bieber allows users to excise the pop-singing pipsqueak from websites, removing references to the No 1 star, and even certain photographs.

Shaved Bieber is the brainchild of New York-based programmer Greg Leuch. A "series of innovative tools to clean up the lower regions of web pages", the Javascript app and Firefox plug-in "shave away" references to the teen heart-throb, blacking out his name and images with "Justin Bieber" in their filenames.

It's a ridiculous idea, but for those who have been driven mad by songs like Baby – not to mention Bieber's haircut – Shaved Bieber is a blessed salve. While the Firefox add-on censors Bieber references across the web, Leuch's tool obliterates mentions on any page you choose. His Wikipedia page, once a maelstrom of Bieber-trivia, is Shaved into, er, a maelstrom of trivia whose subject matter is unclear.

Inevitably, not everyone likes this concept. Bieber's career was launched by tweeting, YouTubing, internet-savvy fans – and Leuch has become a new target. "You've found yourself a DANGEROUS enemy," warn the Beliebers, while another ludicrous bit of hate-mail threatens a huge backlash. So far, Leuch is taking the hostile response with good humour, launching a blog dedicated to users' reactions. And yes – you can censor that page too.

Haha - Shaved Bieber - lmao

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