Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Here are my slippers.

I've always liked Animal the best and the kids (wife) got me these cool slippers from ASDA:

Animal Slippers 09


Animal Slippers 2009

Posted via web from Content Ninja

Monday, December 28, 2009


I Liked the Cartoon now am looking forward to the movie:



Posted via web from Content Ninja

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Greg has a list for you to view - Thanks Gregg


(in no particular order)

01) grape stomp
02) charlie bit me
03) chocolate rain
04) dancing baby
05) post secret
06) charlie the unicorn
07) mentos and diet coke
08) numa numa
09) peanut butter jelly time
10) george lucas in love
11) you're the man now dog
12) yatta
13) star wars kid
14) bubb rubb
15) the flying spaghetti monster
16) dramatic chipmunk
17) homestar runner
18) gi joe pork chop sandwiches
19) fail blog
20) skateboarding dog
21) all your base are belong to us
22) winnebago man
23) we like the moon
24) i can has cheezburger
25) barney vs. tupac
26) shining
27) cute overload
28) rick roll
29) lazy sunday
30) david after the dentist
31) powerthirst
32) christian the lion
33) bert and ernie rap
34) lady punch
35) leprechaun in alabama
36) where the hell is matt
37) boom goes the dynamite
38) breakdancing baby
39) drunk jeff goldblum
40) scarlet takes a tumble
41) susan boyle
42) gay mount everest
43) afro ninja
44) cop shoots himself in leg in classroom
45) tron guy
46) "leave britney alone"
47) laughing baby
48) i'm the juggernaut bitch
49) exploding whale
50) take on me the literal version
51) bill o'reilly flips out
52) don't tase me bro
53) the landlord 
54) breakdancing baby kick
55) the pet penguin
56) ms. south carolina answers a question
57) i'm f*#king matt damon
58) will it blend
59) spaghetti cat
60) tom cruise kills oprah
61) little superstar
62) chad vader
63) pretty much everywhere it's going to be hot
64) i like turtles
65) who needs a movie
66) jake e. lee shreds
67) hawaii chair
68) aussie party
69) hitler plans burning man
70) montgomery flea market
71) look at the horse
72) asian backstreet boys
73) leroy jenkins
74) pinky the cat
75) monkey sniffs finger
76) sneezing panda
77) prison inmates remake "thriller"
78) techno viking
79) ask a ninja
80) best man trips and ruins wedding
81) best wedding toast ever (amy's song)
82) kitten surprise (how to break up a cat fight)
83) katana sword infomercial goes wrong
84) matrix ping pong
85) la pequena prohibida
86) angry german kid (translated)
87) evolution of dance
88) ok go "here it goes again"
89) battle at kruger (lions vs. buffalos vs. crocodiles)
90) daft hands
91) human beatbox
92) most t-shirts worn at once
93) zero g dog
94) cuppy cakes song
95) george washington
96) scary maze prank
97) gay referee
98) tranquilized bear hits trampoline
99) reporter gets a fly in the mouth

bonus nsfw links
01) meat spin
02) two girls one cup (cannot legally be reposted in the us) 
03) goatse (mirror)
04) lemon party




Direct Link - http://youshouldhaveseenthis.com/

Posted via email from Content Ninja

Zombie Wonderland Game

It's Christmas Time, enjoy.

Posted via web from zombieinc's posterous

That Girl's Site » He’s undead, Jim

Current Mood:Can has? emoticon Can has?

It’s always the dude in the red that is the one to catch it in StarTrek, except this time he didn’t stay dead!

This shirt will run you $16-$18 depending on the size and you can order it from ThinkGeek!

Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)
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Zombie Star-Trek Mashup

Posted via web from zombieinc's posterous


Ok you might have heard of the film Kick-Ass based on a comic, well just in case you though it was for kids have a quick look at this Kick Ass Trailer.

Warning: Adult Language and not so mild fantasy violence…

I will keep you posted on any other clips…out April.

Provided by: http://thatgirlssite.com/     

Posted via email from Content Ninja

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Singpore Plans its Own Version of Pandora on Earth

Singpore Plans its Own Version of Pandora on Earth

So far you can only visit Pandora in the movies, but Singapore's planned Marina South Gardens project will combine its own man-made and natural wonders — with lush, vertical gardens scaling gigantic artificial solar trees.

Singapore is currently developing its largest garden project ever, showcasing plants from various climates. Giant fake trees collect rainwater and solar energy to power the conservatory, with vertical gardens climbing up their stems. The garden will feature separate biomes for different kinds of plants — a cool, moist biome for plants from the cloud forest and a cool, dry biome for Mediterranean plants. The first phase of the project will be completed in 2011.

Now, if only they could find biolumiscent plants to light the way in addition to the artificial lights from those solar trees.

Singapore's Largest Garden Project Unveiled [Inhabitat]

800x600 | Full Size


Posted via web from zombieinc's posterous

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Predator Bike

Thanks to http://109.com for reminding us why bikes are cool.


Posted via email from Content Ninja


I was surprised how much I liked Iron Man, am not sure why, I liked the Spiderman films, Batman films (new ones), x-men, wolverine, hell I even liked Daredevil. It was probably my disappointment with the Hulk, Fantastic four (and poor Silver Surfer being dragged down by it). And don’t get me started with Watchmen, I mean, really WTF was that ending about, what happened there (if you have non idea what am talking about go get the graphic novel).

Anyway back to Iron Man 2 – we have a trailer (well apple do link below) and it’s looking good.


Posted via email from Content Ninja

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

UFO How to Build

This website is for all you UFO and science fiction to science fact fans out there.



According to the website you can build your own for £60,000 which has to be a bargin in anybodies book.

Thanks to http://io9.com for showing us this one.

Posted via email from Content Ninja

Monday, December 14, 2009

Reason to keep IE and Firefox

Last post was “a reason to get Chrome”, well this time I am giving you a reason keep the old browsers, as this website doesn’t work on Chrome (yet).

Battle Field Heroes is a free FPS and very good too…



Posted via email from Content Ninja

Nuts on Zombies

Or is that Zombie Nuts.

A little bit on the Awesome side points us in the direction of Bent Objects:


Is it wrong to actually want some monkey nuts after looking at this picture?

Posted via email from zombieinc's posterous

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Main Reason to Install Google Chrome browser right now!

Remember Another World – well I do and it rocked. Probably because I was the first person to complete it (in my group of Geek mates)!


You need the google browser Chrome (http://www.google.co.uk/chrome) to play it, but you should have it anyway.

Posted via email from Content Ninja

Ever wondered what website you would be...

Have you ever pondered what website you would be if your personality could be thread into the Webverse?

No me neither, but I am doing now. I would be http://io9.com/ it’s about as weird and wonderful as me J  

Posted via email from Content Ninja

The Plague

Go visit the Zombie Pages to see the cool short film, The Plague.


Posted via email from Content Ninja

The Plague

Matt Simpson makes this Short Zombie film with stunning effect.

Posted via email from zombieinc's posterous

Thursday, December 10, 2009

TRON Legacy

Now if you’re as old as me you remember the original, which was really good for it’s time (I still want one of them bikes, minus the crashing into walls bit).


Out 2010

Posted via email from Content Ninja

Kitchen Porn

How cool is this little fella? Look at that cool mustache, you know you want one. Never has a kitchen utensil looked so happy.

You can pick one up from here: http://www.domesticsluttery.com/2009/12/kitchen-porn-lego-head-kitchen-scales.html

And a big shout-out to MissCay http://twitter.com/MissCay for pointing me in the direction of the wife’s future Christmas gift (it’s for me really).

Posted via email from Content Ninja

Monday, March 30, 2009

Gaming Cloud is coming – rejoice

The future of computing is here and now the cloud that we hear so much about is providing its first sprinkle. And once again it’s the game industry that is pulling the rest of the world along.

Currently you can sample 2 trials of true online gaming in Europe and 3 if you’re in the US.

www.awomo.com is making all the right noises in my mind, allowing you to try a Lara Croft game in beta – free beta sign-up for the whole world. This works with the download of a browser (no chrome L ) plug-in – then the game starts to download.

6 mins later (might be slower for slower connections), you can start playing. The rest game continues to download in the background. One complaint you don’t get to say the file location. The website say’s it will offer top titles which you can buy out-right at a cheaper rate because there is no packaging, a hire service where you can hire games for a cost, after you have hired the game 5 times it is considered bought. My favourite a monthly subscription which allows you to play all the titles (why pay for World of warcraft, when I can play lots of new games), please let it be £9.99 or less.

Another example of Gaming cloud is www.quakelive.com, Quake has always been a front runner in technology terms and here it doesn’t fail either. Beta is free again sign-up and plug-in your browser. Not sure on the future of this but as a free half-hour blast, it ran smoothly and quickly. After a quick training session you get to choose if you want to play against / with bots or people and let the frag feast begin. I opted for a game with bots as am rusty in all my FPS and 40mins later I realised just how rusty I was J  I recommend giving it a quick blast.

Finally (for now) www.onlive.com is defiantly a USA company with lots of marketing behind it, “developed stealthily for 3 years” WTF? Anyway this seems to offer the most advanced out there currently; I can’t say if it lives up to all the noise it’s making as it is only in Beta in the USA (big mistake I think). Offering what is basically a virtue console on your PC and a mini console which you can connect to your TV. Am sure it will involve a plug-in to your browser for computer owners, but apart from that I can’t tell if there is or isn’t any downloading. It claims on the website for instant playing but who knows (not people in Europe). 


That’s what’s out there at the moment, am sure the big boys (come on Virgin) will swoop once the smaller companies have done the hard work. Personally I think onlive.com might be leaving the door wide open for Awomo.com to take the European market with there current strategy, but again that might just be the fact I want to try the thing and can’t J


Happy Hunting

Work Zombie…


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Age of Stupid

Age of Stupid?

So a new film is out about what we are doing now to destroy the planet and about how we have a chance to fix it before we go beyond the event horizon of no return. 
Age of stupid (http://www.ageofstupid.net/) is set in the year 2055 and is narrative by an archaeologist looking at footage from the year 2008 when we had a chance to make a change. I haven’t seen the film so I can’t judge it. I hope it gets its message across as it is an important message, but this blog today isn’t about the film. Why use the film as a title then? You could ask, well I think it’s wrong for this film, it’s not the Age of Stupid we live in, it’s the Century of Greed. Greed is the main reason we are at a point in time where time is running out for all living creatures and it will remain the reason we end up at the very least leave the planet and at the worst make the human race extinct, making way for the next species to become the dominant force.

The Government is spending billions saving the banks; these are the same banks that charge you £25 pounds for going £3 over credit. The same banks that the CEO gets paid more then a top 4 premier league team (that’s team not player). And the government is paying billions to help major energy companies build nuclear bombs, sorry power stations in my / your back yard and then claim that it is a clean energy source. 
Now am not a scientist and would never claim to know the output / efficiency / clean energy ratio of a nuclear power station, but I also know duck and cover isn’t going to protect you from a nuclear blast.

Where are the billions of pounds being spent on a clean power plant? Am not even going to embarrasses people and ask for a billion pounds to be spent on a solution because there are plenty of solutions out there already, but they are always talked about separately, they are all talked about on a small scale and they are always talked about as if it is something to consider in the future. Why can’t we have a geo-thermal off shore platform power station, built using a wind farm as its legs, connected by a wave farm and the whole structure covered in solar Panels? What would the cost be, how big would it need to be to run a city? Imagine if it cost 1 billion pounds and it provided enough energy to run 1/12 of the country. The government wouldn’t build it, couldn’t build it, the reason is because the energy companies would put to much pressure on the government. The big boy’s with all the money wouldn’t like it because you could provide almost free energy. Suddenly the big boys making more money then I / we could imagine wouldn’t be making money. It’s the same with a car, if you had free energy that a car can run on for nothing, more people in "power" start losing that "power" and they won’t like it. This crap about hybrid cars is all about making Joe public still go to the pumps and spend their money. Why do you think the main people pumping research into electric car’s are the oil people, so they can limit how much is given out to the public, so they can copyright anything and everything. 

It is a shame because free energy is out there, are own government has tested geo-thermal power plants (http://www.businesssouthampton.com/content/default.asp?PageId=214&PrevPageId=220 ) but you hear nothing about the success or failures of it.

I think this would be the first step for mankind is to realise money isn’t the be all and end all, the paper and news programmes would have you believe. But am also convinced it would never happen in the UK / Europe or the USA, a political party in a small country that could do stuff under the radar would be the only way to start this revolution. If anyone needs help building this and can provide accommodation and food for me and my family am quite happy to help build it, to see if they will come.

Work Zombie – looking for life                

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Marketing’s Favourite Weapon!!!

What is it with marketing that they think if they stick “!” at the end of things it’s going to make Jo public want it more?

Does marketing still work, has it ever worked. I know people buy known brands, but are they doing so because of marketing or is it the fact that it has a good product? Nike for example, I’ve bought trainers in the past which aren’t known and while a lot cheaper then a brand like Nike, they have been badly made, when I have bought Nike they have lasted a lot longer and been comfy for a lot longer. Am not buying Nike because one of the people in my favoured sport team is wearing them, no I buy it because I like the way they are made and dependent on the price of them at the time I require some new trainers.

Do you remember the adverts you saw on TV last night or did you nip the loo or make a drink? In fact can you remember one advert off the TV from Sunday or Saturday? If you can well done! But I can’t, they don’t record in my brain anymore. A lot of programmes I watch are recorded on my Teledrive (a virgin Sky+) so they don’t even get on my screen, well they do just at 36times its normal speed and I can safely say I’ve never stopped fast forwarding just to look at one.

And now the web developers are realising anything that looks like a banner or is flashing like a banner people don’t even scan it anymore, the only way around this that I can think of is sound. Sound isn’t used on websites apart from a couple of ad’s that drew me in (normally game ads). But even this will become old very, very fast. Am afraid the world is going to have to sit and take notice, we live in a consumer lead world (and I think we have the internet to thank for that). The marketers will always be around and take the credit for something which would have happened anyway, one way or another. “!!! R.I.P.“