Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why do it?

Warning this is a RANT! So we finally finish building our new corporate website for VisitManchester corporate division. Now we need a URL. Let's see, VisitManchester.Org would be nice. for the tourism site, for the corporate site, let's do a search. Nope it's not free. Cyber swatters again no doubt. No it's not it's access advertising? The same Access Advertising that bought (before my time because it wouldn't have happened). Why do Access Advertising require these domains, surly anybody searching for Visit Manchester or Visiting Manchester aren't going suddenly think, you know what i need some "advertising" - Lucky i typed in .org or instead of .com? 

Not this is what made me laugh more then anything else - is still available? WTF? and .tv is still there as well. Well maybe am wrong and people who are trying to find out about Manchester do need some advertising. As this company has spent more time picking up visitmanchester domain names then their own brand name? It's a very strange tactic because if you do a google search for advertising Manchester (or various arrangements of that search term) they are no where to be seen. Maybe they should concentrate on their own brand instead or getting useless enquires to the website, just so it make the website look like it's performing. 

For a so called advertising company to do this, makes you wonder how in touch access advertising are with the use of the web and understanding about it being more quality then quantity that will reap the rewards in the end. While they might catch many people out once and even a couple twice, the number of people will soon drop. = information about Manchester from the official Tourist Board, and = advertising by access (but i wouldn't look at them doing any web/seo work for you). At least i under stand cyber squatters trying to make a quick buck, maybe this is access advertising plan? Maybe they can't make any money by doing advertising and they want to sell the domain? Or maybe we will take the money you want for the URL's and buy all the free access advertising domains and point them to Mando!!! 

The above is a personal view and not the view of my employer or any of my work colleagues unless stated by them personally.